Subject-verb agreement is a crucial aspect of grammar that students in the sixth grade need to master. It refers to the rule that states that the subject and verb in a sentence must agree with each other in terms of number, i.e., singular or plural.

To help students improve their knowledge and understanding of subject-verb agreement, here are some exercises they can practice:

1. Choose the correct verb form:

A) The group of friends (is/are) going to the park.

B) Each of the students (has/have) a book to read.

C) Either the cat or the dog (is/are) making noise.

2. Identify the subject-verb agreement errors:

A) The teacher and coach are working together to improve the team`s performance.

B) The team of players is practicing every day.

C) Our family loves to go on vacations to the beach.

3. Rewrite the sentences with correct subject-verb agreement:

A) The news about the accident have spread quickly.

B) The book with the green cover were on the shelf.

C) The students in my class is knowledgeable.

4. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb form:

A) The group of birds __ (migrate/migrates) every year.

B) Either the pizza or the salad __ (is/are) fine with me.

C) My friends and I __ (enjoy/enjoys) playing sports.

5. Rewrite the sentences with correct subject-verb agreement:

A) The apples in the basket has a worm.

B) The flowers in the garden smells lovely.

C) The students in the class has finished their project.

These exercises can help students develop their understanding and mastery of subject-verb agreement rules, which will ultimately improve their writing and communication skills. Moreover, mastering this aspect of grammar will make their writing more professional and attention-grabbing, which is essential in today`s digital age, where SEO is an important aspect of content creation.